Chemopreventive Effects of Selenium and Selenocompounds in the Treatment of Lymphoma


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Lymphomas have been increasing at an alarming rate globally and causing deaths worldwide due to the lack of effective therapies. Among different pharmacological agents, selenium (Se) and selenium-related compounds are widely tested and have gained interest as anticancer agents due to their selectivity to cancer and high efficacy for lymphoma treatment over recent decades. Se is a trace non-metallic element identified as an essential micronutrient that mediates a range of biological functions after incorporation into selenoproteins (SePs), and thus affects the overall quality of human health. Specifically, low levels of Se in serum have been linked with aberrant immune functions, cancer, inflammatory diseases, and predictive of worse outcomes in patients with hematological malignancies including lymphoma. Over the past few years, a number of promising selenium compounds (SeCs) have been developed to mimic and alter the functions of SePs to achieve pharmacological interventions such as anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities with minimal adverse effects by suitable chemical substitution. Here, we have reviewed various lymphoma types and their molecular characterization, along with emphasis on the potential role of Se and SeCs as anti-cancer agents for lymphoma treatment. In addition, we have discussed various pros and cons associated with the usage of Se/SeCs for selectively targeting cancers including lymphomas.
selenium,chemopreventive effects,selenocompounds
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