Burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals of neonatal intensive care units

Orvosi hetilap(2022)

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Introduction: Burnout syndrome among healthcare workers is a well-known problem. Its occurrence and the roots have been addressed in several studies. The daily work of the specialist employees in the neonatal intensive care units is extremely stressful physically and mentally. Objective: The study assessed the frequency and intensity of burnout phenomenon among healthcare professionals working in neonatal intensive care units and examined the relations between institutional levels, occupation, and work experience. Method: Data were collected in 2019 using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire compiled by Maslach and Jackson. Results: In the field of examined dimensions of burnout syndrome, the most characteristic was emotional exhaustion, which has occurred with a frequency of nearly 30% and with typically high intensity among professionals working in neonatal intensive care units (N = 278). In addition, one-fifth were characterized by a high frequency and intensity of depersonalization. At the same time, nearly a third of them experienced a decrease in personal effectiveness. Workplace and time spent in healthcare did not show a significant connection with the incidence of burnout syndrome, however, burnout syndrome occurred with a higher frequency and intensity among those working in level III. neonatal intensive care unit. Conclusion: This is the first comprehensive burnout survey among premature and new born intensive care units in Hungary. Knowing the consequences of burnout syndrome, it is important to prevent and recognize symptoms as early as possible.
burnout syndrome, burnout, MBI questionnaire, neonatal intensive care unit
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