Age Appropriate Design: Assessment of TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube Kids


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The presence of children in the online world is increasing at a rapid pace. As children interact with services such as video sharing, live streaming, and gaming, a number of concerns arise regarding their security and privacy as well as their safety. To address such concerns, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) sets out 15 criteria alongside a risk management process for developers of online services for children. We present an analysis of 15 ICO criteria for age appropriate design. More precisely, we investigate whether those criteria provide actionable requirements for developers and whether video sharing and live streaming platforms that are used by children of different age ranges (i.e., TikTok, Twitch and YouTube Kids) comply with them. Our findings regarding the ICO criteria suggest that some criteria such as age verification and transparency provide adequate guidance for assessment whereas other criteria such as parental controls, reporting of inappropriate content, and handling of sensitive data need further clarification. Our findings regarding the platforms themselves suggest that they choose to implement the simplest form of self-declared age verification with limited parental controls and plenty of opportunities.
youtube kids,age,twitch,tiktok,design
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