Remnants of quark model in lattice QCD simulation in the Coulomb gauge

The European Physical Journal A(2024)

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Aiming at the relation between QCD and the quark model, we consider projections of gauge configurations generated in quenched lattice QCD simulations in the Coulomb gauge on a 16 ^3 × 32, β = 6.0 lattice. First, we focus on a fact that the static quark-antiquark potential is independent of spatial gauge fields. We explicitly confirm this by performing A = 0 projection, where spatial gauge fields are all set to zero. We also apply the A = 0 projection to light hadron masses and find that nucleon and delta baryon masses are almost degenerate, suggesting vanishing of the color-magnetic interactions. After considering the physical meaning of the A = 0 projection, we next propose a generalized projection, where spatial gauge fields are expanded in terms of Faddeev–Popov eigenmodes and only some eigenmodes are left. We apply the proposed projection to light hadron and glueball masses and find that the N- Δ and 0 ^++ –2 ^++ mass splittings become evident when projected with more than 33 (0.10
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