Minimally invasive vaginal approach to the uterovestibular anastomosis for cervicovaginal aplasia: a case series and review of literature

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics(2022)

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Background Congenital cervicovaginal agenesis (CVA) with functioning endometrium is an extremely rare mullerian anomaly. Genital tract patency and fertility preservation are the major challenges in cases of CVA. With the advances in surgical techniques, management has shifted from a radical approach-like hysterectomy towards a more conservative approach of uterine conservation. Case presentation and review of the literature In the present study, we report our experience in managing four cases of congenital CVA with complete vaginal atresia, which were treated with a simple minimally invasive vaginal approach for UVA without using graft for neovagina creation and studied the long-term anatomic and functional result of uterovestibular anastomosis (UVA) in patients with CVA. A literature review was performed for congenital complete vaginal atresia (≤ 2 cm blind vagina), with a functioning uterus. The experience and results of this 4-year study are in accordance with the prior studies with 97% (33/34) success rate, where vestibular mucosa was used for the UVA. Conclusions Findings of this study should encourage more gynaecologists to learn and recreate a complete vaginal approach, as no special surgical equipments are needed. Hysterectomy should only be reserved for cases, where repeated anastomosis attempts fail. This minimally invasive technique should be preferred over canalization procedures and graft, as it is associated with a higher success rate with least complications and recurrence. Conservative end-to-end anastomosis with a completely vaginal approach should be offered as the primary treatment option for CVA with total vaginal atresia.
Cervicovaginal agenesis, Primary amenorrhoea, Hematometra, Cervical dysgenesis
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