Plakophilin 2 gene therapy prevents and rescues arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a mouse model harboring patient genetics

William H. Bradford, Jing Zhang, Erika J. Gutierrez-Lara,Yan Liang,Aryanne Do, Tsui-Min Wang, Lena Nguyen,Nirosh Mataraarachchi, Jie Wang,Yusu Gu, Andrew McCulloch,Kirk L. Peterson,Farah Sheikh

Nature Cardiovascular Research(2023)

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Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a fatal genetic heart disease characterized by cardiac arrhythmias, in which fibrofatty deposition leads to heart failure, with no effective treatments. Plakophilin 2 ( PKP2 ) is the most frequently mutated gene in ARVC, and although altered RNA splicing has been implicated, there are no models to study its effect and therapeutics. Here, we generate a mouse model harboring a PKP2 mutation (IVS10-1G>C) affecting RNA splicing, recapitulating ARVC features and sudden death starting at 4 weeks. Administering AAV-PKP2 gene therapy (adeno-associated viral therapy to drive cardiac expression of PKP2 ) to neonatal mice restored PKP2 protein levels, completely preventing cardiac desmosomal and pathological deficits associated with ARVC, ensuring 100% survival of mice up to 6 months. Late-stage AAV-PKP2 administration rescued desmosomal protein deficits and reduced pathological deficits including improved cardiac function in adult mice, resulting in 100% survival up to 4 months. We suggest that AAV-PKP2 gene therapy holds promise for circumventing ARVC associated with PKP2 mutations, including splice site mutations.
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