The Genetics and Ecology of Post-Fire Eucalyptus globulus Recruitment in an Isolated Stand in Central Portugal


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Eucalyptus globulus Labill. is a widespread forest tree species, reported as naturalized across the introduced range, often showing abundant natural regeneration after wildfires. This paper studies a post-fire cohort of seedlings derived from a small, isolated E. globulus stand in central Portugal. The aim is to better understand the genetic dynamics and dispersal mechanisms of naturally established E. globulus populations in the introduced range. The seedling density at 55 m from adult trees was 12,000 ha(-1), the farthest seedling being registered at 101 m. Post-fire expansion occurred in a southward direction, in accordance with predominant wind. Seedlings had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity (Ae = 5.8.; He = 0.8) than adult trees (Ae = 6.5; He = 0.8). Crossings were strongly unbalanced, with only eight trees contributing to the sampled seedlings, and one single tree contributing to 52% of these seedlings. Moreover, the co-ancestry amongst seedlings more than doubled (from theta = 0.03 to 0.076), and the population status number was around one third of the value registered for the adult population (from Ns = 16.2 to 6.6). Despite its isolation, external pollen was detected in the stand, and appears to have travelled at least 700 m, contributing to 22% of the offspring. Overall, the seedling cohort is much less diverse than the parent trees, with expected lower resilience and persistence to environmental stresses.
Eucalyptus globulus, post-fire dispersal, naturalization, genetic diversity, paternity assignment, kinship estimates
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