Role of alumina filler on thermal properties of carbon-epoxy nanocomposites

B. R. Lokesh Yadhav, C. Chandan, T. Raghavendra,B. Suresha, H. K. Govinda Raju

Materials Today: Proceedings(2022)

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The use of nanofiller and fiber reinforced polymeric composites has risen immensely over the last decade and it finds abundant applications in the field of thermal power plants, coatings, and automotives. In this research article, the effect of nano-alumina on carbon fabric reinforced epoxy (CF/Ep) hybrid composites was investigated by microstructure, Fourier transfer infrared radiation (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Addition of nano-alumina increased the intensity of peak related to C–H bonds and large broad bands were initiated in the region of 865 to 820 cm−1.The Al-O-Al bonds are stretching due to vibrations in the octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. XRD analysis on CF/Ep hybrid clearly reveals the presence of nano-alumina particles. DMA demonstrates that both the storage modulus and glass transition temperature be likely to increase with the incorporation of nano-alumina. Furthermore, the loss modulus was found to be highest for the 2 wt% of nano-alumina filled CF/Ep hybrid composite
CF/Ep composite,Nan-alumina,Fourier transfer infrared radiation,X-ray diffraction,Dynamic mechanical analysis
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