Molecular biomarkers and liquid biopsies in lung cancer


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Liquid biopsy refers to the identification of tumor-derived materials in body fluids including in blood circulation. In the age of immunotherapy and targeted therapies used for the treatment of advanced malignancies, molecular analysis of the tumor is considered a crucial step to guide management. In lung cancer, the concept of liquid biopsies is particularly relevant given the invasiveness of tumor biop- sies in certain locations, and the potential risks of biopsy in a patient population with significant co- morbidities. Liquid biopsies have many advantages including non-invasiveness, lower cost, potential for genomic testing, ability to monitor tumor evolution through treatment, and the ability to overcome spa- tial and temporal intertumoral heterogeneity. The potential clinical applications of liquid biopsy are vast and include screening, detection of minimal residual disease and/or early relapse after curative intent treatment, monitoring response to immunotherapy, and identifying mutations that might be targetable or can confer resistance. Herein, we review the potential role of circulating tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells as forms of liquid biopsies and blood biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer. We discuss the methodologies/platforms available for each, clinical applications, and limitations/challenges in incor- poration into clinical practice. We additionally review emerging forms of liquid biopsies including tumor educated platelets, circular RNA, and exosomes.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Liquid biopsy,circulating tumor DNA,non-small cell lung cancer,circulating tumor cells,targeted therapy,exosomes,circular RNA
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