Photosystem II photochemical adjustment of tall fescue against heat stress after melatonin priming

Journal of Plant Physiology(2022)

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High temperature is the key factor restricting the survival of tall fescue. Extreme summer hot events arise from global warming further increases this risk. As a candidate chemical priming agent previously reported, melatonin offers innovative solution to improve heat resistance of plants. However, the mechanistic insight remains ill-defined, especially in PSII photochemical reactions. In this study, we investigated the effect of melatonin priming on photosynthetic electron transport of PS II against heat stress in tall fescue. Results showed that melatonin weakened the electron transfer efficiency of PS II per light reaction center (RC) at donor-side and receptor-side, while increased the number of RC per unit cross-sectional area. The quenching analysis further revealed that the proportion of photochemical quenching, Y(II), increased by melatonin. Considering the enriched chl a and nonevent oxidative damage, we argued that inefficient but more abundant RC introduced by melatonin protected the PSII from oxidative damage under heat stress. Notably, these effects were dependent on melatonin concentration but not temperature, an optimal application concentration (50 μmol/L) was uncovered. Besides, melatonin decreased NPQ and encouraged reverse reaction of the xanthophyll cycle. We proposed that melatonin prevents the production of excessive excitation energy. In brief, melatonin plays a distinctive role in regulating photoelectric conversion of PSII of tall fescue under heat stress, increased its survival rate after heat shock.
Tall fescue,Heat stress,Melatonin priming,Photosystem II (PS II)
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