Growth impairment of the forearm after radiotherapy for congenital hemangioma

Nick Geudens, Saartje Vermeulen,Thomas Beeck,Ines Joye

International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports(2022)

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We present a middle-aged woman who received radiotherapy for a congenital hemangioma in childhood. Although the current opinion regarding radiotherapy for peripheral hemangiomas is more reserved, it used to be a widely accepted treatment several decades ago. Historically, this treatment was accompanied with numerous side effects, some having a large impact on the quality of life. Our patient suffers from a severe malformation of the left forearm for which no curative treatment options are available. Late-term complications presented as osteopenia and extensive soft tissue changes of the forearm including Bowen’s disease in the irradiated area. Treatment focused on preventing further deterioration of the bone mineral density as well as conservative management of the extensive skin lesions. Surgical interventions are considered as a second-line therapy. In this case report we want to illustrate the potentially debilitating side-effects of radiotherapy at a young age.
radiotherapy,congenital hemangioma,musculoskeletal abnormalities
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