Contribution of the carotid body to thermally mediated hyperventilation in humans


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Humans hyperventilate under heat and cold strain. This hyperventilatory response has detrimental consequences including acid-base dysregulation, dyspnoea, decreased cerebral blood flow and accelerated brain heating. The ventilatory response to hypoxia is exaggerated under whole-body heating and cooling, indicating that altered carotid body function might contribute to thermally mediated hyperventilation. To address whether the carotid body might contribute to heat- and cold-induced hyperventilation, we indirectly measured carotid body tonic activity via hyperoxia, and carotid body sensitivity via hypoxia, under graded heat and cold strain in 13 healthy participants in a repeated-measures design. We hypothesised that carotid body tonic activity and sensitivity would be elevated in a dose-dependent manner under graded heat and cold strain, thereby supporting its role in driving thermally mediated hyperventilation. Carotid body tonic activity was increased in a dose-dependent manner with heating, reaching 175% above baseline (P < 0.0005), and carotid body suppression with hyperoxia removed all of the heat-induced increase in ventilation (P = 0.9297). Core cooling increased carotid body activity by up to 250% (P < 0.0001), but maximal values were reached with mild cooling and thereafter plateaued. Carotid body sensitivity to hypoxia was profoundly increased by up to 180% with heat stress (P = 0.0097), whereas cooling had no detectable effect on hypoxic sensitivity. In summary, cold stress increased carotid body tonic activity and this effect was saturated with mild cooling, whereas heating had clear dose-dependent effects on carotid body tonic activity and sensitivity. These dose-dependent effects with heat strain indicate that the carotid body probably plays a primary role in driving heat-induced hyperventilation.
carotid body, hyperthermia, hyperventilation, hypocapnia, hypothermia
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