Spatial-Temporal Change in Vegetation Cover and Climate Factor Drivers of Variation in the Haihe River Basin 2003-2016

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(2021)

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Abstract In order to study the correlation between the annual dynamic change characteristics of vegetation and climatic factors in Haihe River Basin in recent 14 years. The MODIS / NDVI data from 2003 to 2016 were used to extract the vegetation coverage of the Haihe River Basin. driver of NDVI changes in the Haihe River basin. The one-dimensional linear regression was used to analyze the trend of temporal changes of vegetation in the Haihe River Basin, and the trend analysis and correlation analysis of vegetation climate change were performed by combining the data of precipitation and temperature meteorological data from 2003-2016 in the Haihe River Basin. The study shows that the overall vegetation cover in the Haihe River basin is relatively high, and the cover type is mainly high, and the NDVI increases significantly at the rate of 0.021/10a; the spatial vegetation change trend in the Haihe River basin is mainly improvement, accounting for 94% of the basin area; climatic factor correlation analysis shows that precipitation is the main factor influencing the change of NDVI in the Haihe River basin.
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