Supplements and refinements to current classifications and nomenclature of the fronto-ethmoidal transition region by systematic analysis with 3D CT microanatomy

S.J. Zinreich, F.A. Kuhn,D. Kennedy,M. Solaiyappan, A. Lane,N.R. London Jr., W. Hosemann

Rhinology Online(2021)

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Objective: The microanatomy of the fronto-ethmoidal transition region has been addressed in several classifications. CT stereoscopic imaging (3DCTSI) provides improved display and delineates three defined complex “spaces”, the Frontal Sinus/Frontal Recess Space, the Infundibular Space of the Ethmoid Uncinate Process, and the Ethmoid Bulla Space (FSRS, IS-EUP, EB), none of which were adequately described with the “cell” terminology. We present details on the 3D microanatomy, variability, and prevalence of these spaces. Methods: 3D stereoscopic imaging displays (3DCTSI) were created from 200 datasets. The images were analyzed and categorized by a radiologist (SJZ), and consultant otolaryngologists, focusing on 3D microanatomy of the fronto-ethmoidal transition, the frontal recess/frontal sinus, and drainage pathways, in comparison to established anatomical classification systems. Results: The anterior ethmoid is subdivided into seven groups with the following core properties and prevalence: 1. The horizontal roof of the IS-EUP is attached to the superior half of the frontal process of the maxilla (19%); 2. The IS-EUP extends into the frontal recess (6.5%); 3. The IS-EUP extends into the frontal recess and the frontal sinus (18.5%); 4. A bulla is seen in the medial frontal sinus (3%); 5. The ethmoid bulla and supra bullar space extend into the frontal sinus (7%); 6. Lamellae extend into the FSRS antero-superiorly (25%); 7. FSRS expansion expands below the upper half of the frontal process of the maxilla (FSRS) (21%). Conclusion: 3-D analysis of the detailed anatomy provides important new anatomic information with the increased focus on precision surgery in the region.
frontal recess,frontal sinus,frontal sinus drainage pathway,uncinate process,3d stereoscopic imaging
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