Digital Literacy Gender Gap in E-Education Through Social Media During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Pakistan and Turkey

Advances in Human Services and Public HealthHandbook of Research on Digital Citizenship and Management During Crises(2022)

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The closure of academic institutions as a result of preventative measures towards the distribution of COVID-19 has impacted the academic sector. The approach of switching learning technique to an online structure has currently turned out to be part of several academic organizations around the globe. The purpose of this particular research is to investigate and identify the issues faced by female teacher-students associated towards the situations induced because of e-education system in Pakistan and Turkey. This particular study followed the qualitative research approach. For the collection of data, semi-structured selection interviews were utilized with 10 female teachers and 10 female students from public and private universities in Pakistan and Turkey. In accordance with the results of this research, the following issues are confronted by female instructors: cyberbullying, lack of discipline in class, harassment of female students, as well as lack of technological equipment.
gender,social media,pakistan,digital,e-education
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