16 Developing medical education in a developing country


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Medical Education faces many challenges in developing countries like Honduras, especially when a traditional teacher-centred approach is still prominent. Thus, the need for an academic entity that encourages the introduction of new methodologies to enrich the country’s medical education. The foundation of the first Honduran Medical Education Association (AEMH) was led by a former Honduran junior educator who is now based in the UK. To understand the extent of the situation several projects were designed using modern teaching methodologies widely used. One of these projects was the 1st Medical Education and Teaching of Research National Congress aimed at students and educators from different healthcare backgrounds representing an important milestone for Honduran Medical Education. As part of this event, event an Expert Panel was conducted in which the deans of medicine of the Medical Schools in Honduras were contacted, as well as the Medical Council Representatives and were asked to participate as panellists. The methodologies addressed and used throughout the event were problem-based learning, reflective practice, formative feedback, and self-directed learning. The event was online and organised by Honduran healthcare professionals in 7 different countries. The congress allowed a national reflection on the methods currently used to train Honduran healthcare professionals and how this impacts patient care Furthermore, a national discussion between the different medical schools was achieved which can open an opportunity for them to work together to improve training at all levels in the future. A much-needed transition from a traditional teacher-centre approach to a student-centred approach was discussed. Ultimately, the second national training survey following the first survey conducted in 2019 to assess the short-term impact of our national intervention is programmed.
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