Opinions and Perceptions of Gynecologists and Midwives on the Use of the Intrauterine Device in Senegal

Hadja Maimouna Barro Daff, Khalifa Babacar Mansour Fall, Youssoupha Touré, Aïssatou Mbodji,Moussa Diallo,Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Magatte Mbaye, Khalifa Babacar Gueye, Babacar Biaye,Alassane Diouf

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2021)

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the opinions of gynecologists, midwives, and interns/Specialist students practicing in Senegal about the use of IUD, and to assess factors that stand as obstacles to IUD prescribing. Patients and methods: An online questionnaire was developed to assess providers’ IUD practices and attitudes. The questionnaire was based on the one used in a Swiss study on the same topic. The platform used was Google forms. The questionnaire was shared in associative platforms involving gynecologists, midwives and interns/Specialist students. Results and comments: We received 292 feedbacks. Gynecologists represented 13.7% of the sample, interns and specialist students 11.3% and midwives 76%. Parity is a determining factor in IUD selection. The care-providers were concerned about the followings, which might have prevented the use of IUD, even though it was indicated: infections (75.7%), pelvic pain (61.3%), expulsion (48.3%), increased risk of perforation (46.9%), women’s appreciation (45.2%), ectopic pregnancy (33.9%) and sexual behavior (28.4%). Conclusion: Our study reveals that providers’ apprehensions and concerns severely limit the availability of IUDs. These concerns are often unfounded, based on personal experiences and not on official recommendations. Parity is a major obstacle.
intrauterine device,gynecologists,midwives
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