Nata as a source of dietary fiber with numerous health benefits

Trina Tallei,Siti Marfuah,Abdul Abas, Andi Abram, Nelsyani Pasappa,Putri Anggini,Agus Soegoto, Fatima wali,Talha Emran

Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics(2022)

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In recent years, the general public's perception of modern diets and human health has shifted dramatically. Changes in lifestyle make people prefer fast food that is poor in nutrients, especially dietary fiber. Lack of dietary fiber is one of the contributions to the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases, such as hypercholesterolemia and cancer, among the public. For this reason, efforts to introduce fiber-rich functional foods need to be encouraged. Nata, which is a high-fiber food made from organic plant sources, can be used as an alternative source of fiber for the community. It is hoped that this article will provide some insight into alternative sources of dietary fiber that can be produced by members of the community on their own. [ J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther 2022; 5(1.000): 189-197]
dietary fiber, functional food, insoluble fiber, nata, health benefit, organic waste
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