Oil Spill Thickness Determination from L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar

International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings(2021)

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Efficient and effective oil spill response requires accurate information regarding slick location, extent, and thickness to direct remediation activities. Of these three, the most challenging to determine is thickness. Ideally, the needed information would be provided by remote sensing instruments, particularly those operating from space. In this study we consider the capability of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for identifying oil layer thickness for slicks in open water given the range of oil properties and environmental conditions typical in this setting. The goal is to determine layer thickness with precision equivalent to that of the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code. Here we report preliminary results of an ongoing study to determine whether either relative or absolute slick thickness can be determined from L-band SAR. The study has an experimental component, which uses low noise airborne SAR data acquired over slicks to evaluate the capability to determine relative thickness, i.e., to differentiate sheen from zones of varying thicker oil within a slick. The component of the study to evaluate whether absolute thickness can be determined from SAR uses backscatter simulations within a physics-based model of electromagnetic scattering from slicked and unslicked ocean surfaces accounting for oil properties, meteorological conditions, and sea state. As part of the theoretical component of the study, we evaluate the backscatter sensitivity to oil characteristics to determine which properties most influenced the SAR measurements. These results are used to determine whether the oil-to-water ratio or the oil thickness can be quantified with reasonable accuracy based upon SAR backscatter intensities alone or whether it requires calibration to go from relative to absolute thickness. The ratio of the backscatter contrast between clean and slicked ocean surfaces is shown to be sensitive to variations within slicks that well correlate with the oil layer thickness. Determination of absolute thickness is much more challenging given the variation of oil properties as the oil weathers on the sea surface.
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