Sewing machine spool in cervical canal: Case report

Radhika AG,Natasha Tyagi, Shilpa Singh, Richa Agarwal

Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports(2021)

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Background: Intentional placement or forgotten foreign bodies in the lower female genital tract have been reported. Patients may selfreport or may present with an array of symptoms including pelvic pain, vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding. Case: Ms X, 23 years old, presented to antenatal clinic at two months pregnancy with complaints of excessive discharge per vaginum. There was no bleeding or foul smell. She did not reveal any other significant history. On internal examination, uterus was 8 weeks size, and a nodular lesion was felt in the cervical canal. Transvaginal USG confirmed intra-uterine pregnancy but also aroused the suspicion of a foreign body in the cervix. At examination in the operation theatre, the spool of sewing machine was found imbedded in cervical canal. It was gently dislodged and removed. Procedure and post-operative period were uneventful. The history was then reviewed. It came to light that the spool had been inserted in the cervical canal to expedite conception, without her knowledge when the patient was examined by an untrained birth attendant. Conclusion: Fear of infertility drives women to seek treatment from any source, as illustrated in this report. The spool inserted into the cervix was possibly to function as a “conduit” for the sperms Keywords: foreign body; cervix; pregnancy; discharge.
cervical canal,machine
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