Trunk-dominant and classic facial pemphigus foliaceus in dogs - comparison of anti-desmocollin-1 and anti-desmoglein-1 autoantibodies and clinical presentations


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Background Canine trunk-dominant pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is mentioned rarely in the literature. Hypothesis/Objectives The goal of this study was to provide clinical description of trunk-dominant PF and to demonstrate the prevalence of serum antikeratinocyte, anti-desmocollin-1 (DSC1) and anti-desmoglein-1 (DSG1) antibodies, and determine their diagnostic value in this particular PF phenotype. Materials and methods Clinically relevant information was collected from 31, 25 and 34 dogs with trunk-dominant and facial PF and superficial pyoderma (SP), respectively. Sera from these dogs were tested for antikeratinocyte, anti-DSC1 and anti-DSG1 antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence on canine tissues and DSC1- and DSG1-transfected cells. Sera from healthy dogs and dogs with clinically irrelevant diseases served as controls. Results Footpad involvement and grouped/polycyclic lesion organisation were identified as features of both PF phenotypes, and not of SP. Antikeratinocyte immunoglobulin (Ig)G was not specific for canine PF. By contrast, antigen-specific IgG was detected only in PF sera; anti-DSC1 IgG in 100% and 58% of dogs with facial and trunk-dominant PF, respectively, and anti-DSG1 IgG in 7% of dogs with trunk-dominant PF only. Conclusions Trunk-dominant PF shares DSC1 as a major autoantigen with facial PF. The ability to detect anti-DSC1 IgG is lower in trunk-dominant PF, yet despite the lower sensitivity, the positive predictive value and accuracy of this particular anti-DSC1 IgG test are high. A negative test result, however, cannot exclude the diagnosis, and characteristic clinical features such as footpad involvement and/or grouped/polycyclic lesions must be considered when distinguishing trunk-dominant PF from its most relevant differential diagnosis: SP.
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