Genome-Scale Computational Identification and Characterization of UTR Introns in Atalantia buxifolia


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Accumulated evidence has shown that CDS introns (CIs) play important roles in regulating gene expression. However, research on UTR introns (UIs) is limited. In this study, UIs (including 5 ' UTR and 3 ' UTR introns (5UIs and 3UIs)) were identified from the Atalantia buxifolia genome. The length and nucleotide distribution characteristics of both 5UIs and 3UIs and the distributions of cis-acting elements and transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) in 5UIs were investigated. Moreover, PageMan enrichment analysis was applied to show the possible roles of transcripts containing UIs (UI-Ts). In total, 1077 5UIs and 866 3UIs were identified from 897 5UI-Ts and 670 3UI-Ts, respectively. Among them, 765 (85.28%) 5UI-Ts and 527 (78.66%) 3UI-Ts contained only one UI, and 94 (6.38%) UI-Ts contained both 5UI and 3UI. The UI density was lower than that of CDS introns, but their mean and median intron sizes were ~2 times those of the CDS introns. The A. buxifolia 5UIs were rich in gene-expression-enhancement-related elements and contained many TFBSs for BBR-BPC, MIKC_MADS, AP2 and Dof TFs, indicating that 5UIs play a role in regulating or enhancing the expression of downstream genes. Enrichment analysis revealed that UI-Ts involved in 'not assigned' and 'RNA' pathways were significantly enriched. Noteworthily, 119 (85.61%) of the 3UI-Ts were genes encoding pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing proteins. These results will be helpful for the future study of the regulatory roles of UIs in A. buxifolia.
Atalantia buxifolia, genome-wide identification, UTR intron, gene expression regulation, pathway-enrichment analysis
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