Investigating the Components of Virtual Emergency Department.

Studies in health technology and informatics(2022)

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The prediction of the demography of Spain shows that Spain will experience an aging population soon. Aging is a condition of chronic disease resulting in overcrowding Emergency Department. Despite chronic diseases, Covid-19 became a serious issue for emergency Department staff and health care providers. All of these matters emphasized the importance of the Virtual Emergency Department which can provide faster and more affordable medical services while everyone can keep the social distance as much as possible. In this chapter, we investigated the role of IT in the healthcare system and the possible suggested solutions. We have studied the existing telemedicine, e-health, machine learning algorithms and in the end, their combination to built an integrated virtual emergency department to cover all the aspects. We have proposed a model for this integrated model and studied the possibility of success in each step including admission, triage, diagnoses, and clinical advice based on literature.
AI in Health Care System,Smart Diagnoses,Smart Triage,Telemedicine,Virtual Emergency Department
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