A Joint Strategy of Air-Conditioning and Electrolytic Aluminum Participating in Primary Frequency Modulation

2021 IEEE 5th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2021)

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As the proportion of new energy sources gradually increases, the frequency fluctuation of the system becomes stronger. The power system encounters greater challenges to the frequency stability. The frequency modulation capability of the power generation side gradually cannot meet the require. The demand response resources on the load side are rich and diverse, and have great frequency modulation capabilities. The paper first proposes an air-conditioning cluster aggregation model based on the air-conditioning equivalent thermal parameter model, and analyzes its frequency modulation characteristics. Then, the paper analyzes the equivalent circuit of typical industrial load, electrolytic aluminum, and proposes its frequency modulation characteristics. Finally, a joint strategy of air-conditioning load based on temperature sorting is proposed within the air-conditioning cluster. A joint strategy participating in grid primary frequency regulation is proposed between air-conditioning cluster and electrolytic aluminum. The simulations prove the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
demand response,air-conditioning load,electrolytic aluminum,primary frequency modulation,coordination strategy
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