Statewide transfer policy impact for parturients with severe features of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy


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To address increases in severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and mortality, systematic improvements in the care of high-risk parturients at facility and population levels have been advocated. Part of this effort involves levels of maternal care which account for perinatal regionalization and risk-appropriate maternal care for high-risk patients. In 7/2019, the Ohio Department of Health’s Maternity Licensure requirements established transfer of patients ≥37 weeks from Level 1 and ≥34 weeks from Level 2 to Level 3 or 4 perinatal centers for hypertensive disorders of peripartum with severe features (HDP-SF). Our analysis assessed changes following the statewide implementation. We retrospectively analyzed patients transferred from Level 1 and 2 centers to our Level 4 perinatal center from 1/2018 to 5/2021. Viable pregnancies >24 weeks with HDP-SF with evidence of liver injury (ALT/AST > 2x the upper limit of normal or ICD-10 code of liver failure) and renal injury (serum Cr >1.1 or ICD-10 code of renal failure) were included. Primary outcome measure included differences in intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Statistical significance was assessed by Chi-square and process control charts. Comparing the pre (n = 573) and post (n = 670) implementation of the statewide transfer policy, there was a significant increase in the rate of patients transferred with HDP-SF features based on liver (1.8% pre and 10.9% post, p< .01) and renal injury (4.4% pre and 8.6% post, p< .01) to our Level 4 facility. While statistically not significant, the rate of ICU transfer decreased 55% between pre- and post-implementation (2.0% pre and 0.9% post, p=.12) (Figure 1). The implementation of a statewide policy to transfer high-risk patients with HDP-SF from Level 1 and 2 hospitals to Level 4 perinatal centers resulted in identification of higher markers for SMM based on liver and/or renal injury. These statewide care arrangements may lead to earlier identification of SMM, resulting in more robust and appropriate services provided to these patients, ultimately leading to a reduction in ICU transfers.
statewide transfer policy impact,hypertensive disorders,pregnancy
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