Leader-Follower identity dynamics and shared leadership From a leader and a follower to shared leadership: An identity-based structural model for shared leadership emergence


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In this chapter, we develop an identity-based structural model to understand how identity processes at the individual, dyadic and team level can partially explain shared leadership emergence. We differentiate between the level at which an identity is represented (individual, relational, collective) and levels of analysis (individual, dyadic, collective) to explain how interrelated identities provide a structure for shared leadership. Using this framework, we focus mainly on individual and dyadic processes to explore how team members’ identity composition (i.e. leader and follower) and the processes regarding individual self can affect (and be affected by) dyadic and team level processes and partially explain shared leadership emergence. Throughout this chapter we address the dynamic and process-oriented role of identity as it becomes contextualized, and how cognitive, motivational and learning processes impact the team, the dyad and the individual. This chapter provides a rich perspective for understanding shared leadership in its complexity, and it develops a framework that can help organize theory and research, particularly that which explains the connection between seeing oneself as a leader and as a follower
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