Enhancement of the creation yield of NV ensembles in a chemically vapour deposited diamond


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In this work we investigate the properties of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centres created during single crystal diamond growth by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) on [113]-oriented substrates and with N2O as a dopant gas. The use of spin echo and double electron-electron resonance (DEER) allows us to assess NV- ratio with respect to substitutional nitrogen impurities (N-s(0)) incorporated during growth, a critical figure of merit for quantum technologies. We demonstrate that, at moderate growth temperatures (800 degrees C), dense NV- ensembles of several hundreds of ppb (800 ppb for 50 ppm of added N2O) and with exceptionally high NV-/ N0s ratios of up to 25% can be achieved. This NV- creation yield is higher by at least an order of magnitude to that typically obtained on standard [100]-grown diamonds and comparable to the best values reported for electron-irradiated diamonds. The material obtained here thus advantageously combines a high NV- density, high creation yield, long coherence times of several tens of ms together with a partial preferential orientation. These are highly desirable requirements for diamond-based quantum sensors that may spur new developments with this crystalline orientation leading to improved performance and sensitivity.(c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Colour centres in diamond,Quantum technologies,CVD growth,NV yield,Single crystal diamond
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