AGROBOT-IN-Hydroponic Monitoring Ecosystem

Nidhi Pariyani, Anoushka Parmar,Abhilasha Gondchar, Sakshi Bhasin,Prof. M. A. Rane


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: Traditional farming involves many challenges when it comes to growing crops, like maintaining the right amount of water and sunlight, fertile land or coping with drought. Such problems can be overcome by switching to hydroponic indoor farm because hydroponic system use LED lamps instead of sunlight and sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, ph level and more to ensure that the plants are growing in optimal conditions. Not only do the crops require no soil or pesticides but also use less water than traditional systems. The aim is to bring the joys of outdoor gardening indoor with an aesthetically pleasing smart garden that feels good to use. The system is designed to fit seamlessly into any living space in urban cities as people do not have much space and time to continuously monitor the growth of plants. Therefore, the advances in hydroponic system involve a fully automated system using app notification and thus, the user will be freed from the overhead of continuously monitoring the system. With this, anyone can grow the crop of their choice all year round.
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