Impact of climate change on abundance, distribution, and survival of aedes species: systematic review

Global journal of public health medicine(2022)

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Introduction: Aedes species is a common vector that causes various types of infection. One of the factors that can affect their distribution is the climate change. Identifying the components of climate change that can affect this distribution and how they affect it can aid in predicting and controlling the Aedes species distribution. Methods: Systematic search on articles related to the impact of climate change on Aedes species distribution was conducted using four databases namely Cochrane Library, PubMed, Ovid Medline and Science Direct. All the articles which were published within year 2014 till 2019, was then assesses by using the PRISMA checklist 2009 guided by the inclusion and exclusion criteria set. Results: Ultimately, 19 articles inclusive of six cross-sectional studies, six modelling and seven ecological studies were subjected to narrative and objective quality analysis using Newcastle- Ottawa Scale. Each component of climate change – rainfall, temperature, humidity and wind velocity were examined on its relational impact towards vector Aedes species distribution and survival. All studied climate components showed a unidirectional effect on the distribution and survival of Aedes species Temperature range 3.4oC-34.2oC, humidity <70%, post rainfall (<70mm) and low wind velocity related to increased vector Aedes species distribution, abundance and survival. Quality assessment yielded 17 high quality articles and two moderate quality. Conclusion: Climate change affects the Aedes species distribution and survival. By incorporating the knowledge on the effects of each component of climate change Aedes species vector control effort, a more objective and effective mitigation can be achieved.
Aedes species,,climate change,,impact,Rainfall,Dengue,Aedes aegypti
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