Trends in HIV care outcomes among adults and adolescents in the U.S. South, 2015–2019

Annals of Epidemiology(2022)

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Purpose: HIV disparities continue to persist in the southern United States and among some populations. Early HIV diagnosis, prompt linkage to care, and viral suppression among persons with HIV in the South, in particular the Deep South, are critical to reduce disparities and achieve national prevention goals.Methods: Estimated annual percent changes were calculated to assess trends during 2015-2019 in per-centage distributions for stage of disease at the time of diagnosis, linkage to HIV medical care, and viral suppression.Results: Among 95,488 persons with HIV diagnosed in the South (Deep South: 81,848; Other South:13,640), the overall percentage that received a diagnosis classified as stage 0 increased 9.0%, stages 1-2 increased 1.8%, linkage to HIV care increased 2.9%, and viral suppression increased 5.9%. Changes in care outcomes among American Indian/Alaska Native persons and persons with infection attributed to injection drug use were minimal.Conclusions: To reach the goals of Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) and other federal initiatives, effort s need to focus on prevention and care among persons residing in the South. Addressing factors such as stigma and discrimination and elimination of barriers to HIV testing, care, and treatment are needed to effectively address these disparities in HIV-related care outcomes. Published by Elsevier Inc.
HIV,Care outcomes,Linkage to HIV medical care,Viral suppression,South,Deep south,EHE
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