The time-dependent harmonic oscillator revisited

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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We re-examine the time-dependent harmonic oscillator $\ddot q=-\omega^2 q$ under various regularity assumptions. Where $\omega(t)$ is continuously differentiable we reduce its integration to that of a single first order equation, i.e. the Hamilton equation for the angle variable $\psi$ alone (the action variable ${\cal I}$ does not appear). Reformulating the generic Cauchy problem for $\psi(t)$ as a Volterra-type integral equation and applying the fixed point theorem we obtain a sequence $\{\psi^{(h)}\}_{h\in\mathbb{N}_0}$ converging uniformly to $\psi$ in every compact time interval; if $\omega$ varies slowly or little, already $\psi^{(0)}$ approximates $\psi$ well for rather long time lapses. The discontinuities of $\omega$, if any, determine those of $\psi,{\cal I}$. The zeroes of $q,\dot q$ are investigated with the help of two Riccati equations. As a demo of the potential of our approach, we briefly argue that it yields good approximations of the solutions (as well as exact bounds on them) and thereby may simplify the study of: the stability of the trivial one; the occurrence of parametric resonance when $\omega(t)$ is periodic; the adiabatic invariance of ${\cal I}$; the asymptotic expansions in a slow time parameter $\varepsilon$; etc.
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