Comprehensive Generation of Historical Construction CAD Models from Data Provided by a Wearable Mobile Mapping System: A Case Study of the Church of Adanero (avila, Spain)


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This paper presents the results of a complex three-dimensional reconstruction of the church of Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion (avila, Spain) as an example of a successful process of verticalization from point clouds to a comprehensive computer-aided design (CAD) model. The reconstruction was carried out using the novel and advanced wearable mobile mapping system ZEB-REVO in combination with a lifting pole, in order to cover the whole geometry of the temple and, also, to model the different constructive elements. To this end, a set of good practices was followed, which allowed for passing from reality to the CAD model, such as the use of closed loops or even the use of different parametric and non-parametric strategies to capture the real geometry of the elements. As a result, this paper outlines the main guidelines for passing from point clouds to comprehensive CAD models, the former being useful for the application of smart preventive conservation processes, heritage building information models or even advanced numerical simulations.
heritage, mobile mapping systems, wearable mobile mapping system, point clouds, 3D models
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