Feeding the modern sow to sustain high productivity

Molecular reproduction and development(2023)

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Selection for hyper-prolific sows has increased the litter size by more than 50% during the last three decades, and proper nutrition of the female pigs has concomitantly changed due to improved prolificacy and productivity of gilts and sows. This review summarizes the physiological characteristics and nutritional challenges associated with feeding modern hyper-prolific sows during the gilt rearing period and during gestation, transition, and lactation periods. The review presents up-to-date knowledge of the energy and lysine requirements of female pigs and focuses on how nutrition may increase fat gain and limit protein and weight gain in the gilt rearing period and in early and mid-gestation. In late gestation, fetal and mammary growth should be considered and during the transition, colostrum yield and farrowing performance need to be optimized. Finally, milk production should be optimized and body mobilization should be minimized in the lactation period to achieve high feed efficiency in hyperprolific sows.
colostrum yield,energy requirement,farrowing performance,fat and protein retention,lysine requirement,sow productivity
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