A case of true vocal fold jaundice.

American journal of otolaryngology(2022)

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OBJECTIVES:While jaundice is frequently described in the sclera and skin, there are few reports of true vocal fold jaundice in patients with high bilirubin, and no reports by otolaryngologists in the literature. Here we describe a case of a patient with bilateral true vocal fold jaundice and discuss the potential pathogenesis and implications of this finding. METHODS:A 29-year-old man with history of Dubin-Johnson Syndrome presented with cough and difficulty breathing and was incidentally found to have persistent yellow discoloration of the true vocal folds bilaterally. RESULTS:Videolaryngoscopic exam demonstrated bilateral true vocal fold yellow discoloration with sparing of nearby laryngeal structures on initial presentation and follow-up exam. Direct and total bilirubin levels were found to be elevated. CONCLUSION:A patient with benign Dubin-Johnson Syndrome and elevated total and direct bilirubin was incidentally found to have bilateral vocal fold jaundice. Jaundice and the presence of bilirubin do not appear to cause harm to the function or health of the true vocal folds and may be related to the high concentration of elastin present in the true vocal folds.
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