Exploring generality of experimental conformational changes with AlphaFold predictions


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Structural predictions have matched the accuracy of experimental structures in the case of close homologues, outperformed docking methods for multimeric complexes and helped sampling the conformational landscape of transporters and receptors. Such successes prompt the question whether predictions can be used to relate experimental structures in the context of available knowledge. LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTR) constitute the most common family of bacterial regulators. Intriguingly, their experimental structures are remarkably diverse. The active species, composed of flexible monomers dimerizing through their N- and C-terminal domains in a circular arrangement, differ across LTTR, due to intrinsic sequence differences or because crystals stabilize diverse snapshots of a common dynamic mechanism. We have used AlphaFold2 (AF) to interrogate the experimental AtzR structure in the context of predictions guided towards the different hetero-multimeric conformations known for other LTTR. Our approach drives AF prediction with the structure-based selection of the information input through sequence alignment and template conformation, linked to examination of the energy with PISA and interactions with ALEPH. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
experimental conformational changes,alphafold predictions
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