Structure-aware protein self-supervised learning


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Motivation: Protein representation learning methods have shown great potential to many downstream tasks in biological applications. A few recent studies have demonstrated that the self-supervised learning is a promising solution to addressing insufficient labels of proteins, which is a major obstacle to effective protein representation learning. However, existing protein representation learning is usually pretrained on protein sequences without considering the important protein structural information.Results: In this work, we propose a novel structure-aware protein self-supervised learning method to effectively capture structural information of proteins. In particular, a graph neural network model is pretrained to preserve the protein structural information with self-supervised tasks from a pairwise residue distance perspective and a dihedral angle perspective, respectively. Furthermore, we propose to leverage the available protein language model pretrained on protein sequences to enhance the self-supervised learning. Specifically, we identify the relation between the sequential information in the protein language model and the structural information in the specially designed graph neural network model via a novel pseudo bi-level optimization scheme. We conduct experiments on three downstream tasks: the binary classification into membrane/non-membrane proteins, the location classification into 10 cellular compartments, and the enzyme-catalyzed reaction classification into 384 EC numbers, and these experiments verify the effectiveness of our proposed method.
AI for Science,graph neural network,pre-trained protein language model,protein self-supervised learning
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