Effect of oxidative stress on telomere maintenance in aortic smooth muscle cells

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease(2022)

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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and telomere dysfunction are both associated with aging and the development of age-related diseases. Although there is evidence for a direct relationship between ROS and telomere dysfunction as well as an independent association of oxidative stress and telomere attrition with age-related disorders, there has not been sufficient exploration of how the interaction between oxidative stress and telomere function may contribute to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). To better understand the complex relationships between oxidative stress, telomerase biology and pathophysiology, we examined the telomere biology of aortic smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) isolated from mutant mouse models of oxidative stress. We discovered that telomere lengths were significantly shorter in ASMCs isolated from superoxide dismutase 2 heterozygous (Sod2+/−) mice, which exhibit increased arterial stiffness with aging, and the observed telomere attrition occurred over time. Furthermore, the telomere erosion occurred even though telomerase activity increased. In contrast, telomeres remained stable in wild-type and superoxide dismutase 1 heterozygous (Sod1+/−) mice, which do not exhibit CVD phenotypes. The data indicate that mitochondrial oxidative stress, in particular elevated superoxide levels and decreased hydrogen peroxide levels, induces telomere erosion in the ASMCs of the Sod2+/− mice. This reduction in telomere length occurs despite an increase in telomerase activity and correlates with the onset of disease phenotype. Our results suggest that the oxidative stress caused by imbalance in mitochondrial ROS, from deficient SOD2 activity as a model for mitochondrial dysfunction results in telomere dysfunction, which may contribute to pathogenesis of CVD.
Telomerase,Telomere dysfunction,Mitochondrial antioxidants,Superoxide dismutase,Cardiovascular disease
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