Structural Analysis of Major Mangrove Forests of India

Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Cycle, Ecosystem, Fisheries and Food Security(2022)

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Mangrove ecosystems are unique habitats of the coastal wetland systems but are facing intense pressure due to wanton destruction by humans for various developmental needs. Fixed area plot measurement was used for the characterization of the structural attributes of true mangroves based on the methods suggested by Cintren and Schaffer-Novelli. Structural analysis of mangroves of Kerala revealed that the mean stem density was highest for Acanthus ilicifolius, followed by Acrostichum aureum and Avicennia officinalis. Mangroves are generally considered as even-aged forests, primarily developing following a disturbance or colonization of mud flats. The stand age data of mangroves of India are unavailable, however, the structural attributes of the mangrove stands reflect an uneven-aged mangrove forest. The structural attributes of the mangrove stands of Kerala also reflect an uneven-aged mangrove forest. Indian mangroves that extend from coastal wetlands to deltaic regions are noted for their diverse and unique floral and faunal characteristics.
major mangrove forests,structural analysis
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