Muscle injury and regeneration: clinical approach

Minerva Orthopedics(2022)

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Muscle regeneration represents a paramount step in the healing process of skeletal muscle after injury. The mammalian skeletal muscle are formed in the development period through the process of fusion of mononucleated muscle progenitors. Mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors (GF) play a crucial role in the muscle regeneration process. For this reason, the MSC therapy and the platelet rich plasma therapy in the last decade experienced a strong impulse. However, many of their aspects both from an efficacy and safety point of view require even more studies. Specifically, concerning the stem cells therapy, further studies to confirm their safety against the possible neoplasms onset are needed. While, for the platelet rich plasma therapy need further studies focused on the reduction of the protocols variability. Indeed, at today the weaknesses points of platelet rich plasma therapy are: the nomenclature and classification, the standardization and preparation of the product, the specific indications, the release kinetics of the various GF and the timing of administration. Also the clinical use of some substances such as Actovegin((c)) and Traumeel((c))can be considered among the regenerative therapies in the treatment of muscle injuries. However, even in this case need further evidence in the future confirming their therapeutic validity.
Muscles, wounds and injuries, Regenerative medicine, Mesenchymal stem cells, Platelet rich plasma, therapy
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