Gender Role Conflict as a Psychological Well-Being Predictor of Unemployed Males With Family in Malang Regency

Auliana Gawandari Farinasari,Tutut Chusniyah,Indri Suryani,Mardianto Mardianto

KnE Social Sciences(2022)

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The purpose of this study was: (i) to determine the psychological well-being in men who have partners; (ii) to examine the gender role conflict in these men; (iii) to determine the effect of gender role conflict on psychological well-being for unemployed men who have partners. This was a quantitative predictive study which used descriptive analysis and simple linear regression with 107 research respondents. The research instrument used was the scale of psychological well-being, with a reliability of 0.841, and the scale of gender role conflict, with a reliability of 0.969. The results showed that 53% of respondents had high psychological well-being and 47% had low psychological well-being. 64% of respondents had moderate gender role conflict and 36% of respondents were of a low level. The R-squared value was 0.03 which indicated that gender role conflict explained 3% of psychological well-being while 97% was influenced by other factors. The findings were statistically significant. Based on these findings, the researchers recommend that unemployed men who have partners should revise their life concept to ensure that they do not seek pleasure by doing negative things or rely on the life they have so far instead of seeking permanent livelihood as this may lead to gender role conflict and negative impacts on the psychological well-being of themselves and their families. It is recommended that future research is conducted to improve the measuring instruments, such as by improving the clarity of the language used. Keywords: psychological well-being, gender role conflict
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