Does the Intersection between Age and Sex Matter in Emotional and Social Resources for Resilience During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the Netherlands?

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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Objective: this study investigates the intersection between age and sex as linked to resilience resources during the first Covid-19 lockdown in the Netherlands. Methods: Data were collected among younger (18-35) and older (65-90) Dutch adults in May 2020 (N=1,342). Emotional resilience resources were operationalized as: fear of Covid-19, confidence, and loneliness. Social resilience resources were operationalized as: maintaining active social contacts, substitution of social network with household network and ability to self-entertain. Multiple regressions were used to analyze the direct association and intersection between sex and age on resilience resources. Results: Higher confidence, lower loneliness and more active contact with friends were associated with older age. Older women maintained active contacts best during the first lockdown, and older men were better able to substitute their social network with their household network. Discussion: The findings suggest that subgroups of older individuals may suffer less from social isolation measures than younger individuals.
resilience,social resources,sex matter,age
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