Correlation Between Self-reported Physical Activity And Objective Measurement In Children With Cardiac Disease: 3360 Board #229 June 2 9 30 AM - 11 00 AM

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise(2018)

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Children with significant cardiac disease (SCD) have lower levels of physical activity compared to population norms. Few studies have compared objective measures of physical activity (O-PA) to subjective measures of physical activity (S-PA) in children and adolescents with and without SCD. PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between S-PA and O-PA in children and adolescents with and without SCD. METHODS: Children and adolescents with SCD (n=22; 70% single ventricle physiology, 12% pulmonary hypertension, 27% heart failure) and age and gender matched healthy controls were recruited (Total n=56; mean age 12.5 ± 2.6 years old; 39.3% female). All subjects wore a tri-axial accelerometer over their non-dominant hip for 7 days. The Evenson cutpoints for moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) were applied. A minimum of 3 days with 10 hours of wear time was necessary to be included in the analysis (1 subject excluded due to inadequate wear time). Past year S-PA, in hours/week and MET hours/week, was assessed using the interviewer administered Modifiable Activity Questionnaire for Children or Adolescents (MAQ-C or MAQ-A, respectively). Past 7-day physical activity was assessed with the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children or Adolescents (PAQ-C or PAQ-A, respectively). Relationships between the MAQ-C/A, PAQ-C/A, and the accelerometer results were assessed using Partial correlations controlled for accelerometer wear time. RESULTS: Significant positive relationships were found between the self-reported PAQ-C/A and O- PA in SCD within all intensities of PA (Sedentary r=-0.516, p=0.004; Light r=0.552, p=0.002; Moderate r=0.615, p<0.001; Vigorous r=0.368, p=0.046; MVPA r=0.598, p<0.001). Significant positive relationships were also found between the PAQ-C/A and O-PA in the control group with moderate PA (r=0.503; p=0.024) and MVPA (r=0.493; p=0.027). In the SCD group, there were no significant relationship of O-PA with MAQ hours/week or MAQ MET hours/week. In the control group, youth had significant positive relationships in sedentary PA and MAQ hours/week (r= -0.435, p=0.049) and MAQ MET hours/week (r= -0.450, p=0.041). CONCLUSIONS: The self-reported PAQ-C/A had the strongest relationship with O-PA in the SCD group. The PAQ-C/A may be a reliable tool to assess PA in children and adolescents with SCD.
physical activity,objective measurement,self-reported
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