The need for hydrological and soil research in historical park-palace complexes as illustrated by the case of the park-palace complex in podwilcze, białogard municipality (nw poland)

Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline(2017)

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Negative alterations of hydrological conditions connected with transformations of physical and chemical soil properties are important problems affecting condition of historic parks and gardens. Consequences of those alterations are noticeable in deteriorating condition of old trees, their dying and falling and also in destruction of compositive arrangement of park and garden. In the research results of complex hydrological, soil and dendrological experiments carried out in the years 2011-2013 in the area of historic park in localities Podwilcze (commune Bialogard) were considered. In the park of Podwilcze as a result of drainage ditches neglect and rise of water level in no-flow artesian-fed pond water table rise took place within the park limits. Soil erosion, surface and underground flows, local inundations were also observed. It affected many fallen old trees, development of fungous diseases and natural succession of plants of wet habitats. Urgent hydrotechnical and meliorative works should be conducted in the analyzed park to regulate water-air relations meeting the optimal requirements of precious primary afforestation.
białogard municipality,hydrological,park-palace,park-palace
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