��сследование гена atp7b с помощью массового параллельного секвенирования у пациентов с болезнью вильсона-коновалова

Н. А. Скрябин, О. Ю. Васильева,А. А. Сивцев,И. Ж. Жалсанова,А. Е. Постригань, Л. И. Минайчева,А. А. Агафонова,В. В. Петрова, В. М. Сивоха,М. Н. Филимонова, Г. Н. Сеитова, Л. П. Назаренко

Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Medicinskaia genetika»(2020)

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Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disease that develops as a result of the accumulation of copper in the organism when the ATP7B gene is damaged. The present study searched for mutations in this gene using massively parallel sequencing in patients with Wilson’s disease. For targeted enrichment of the regions of interest, a primer panel for PCR of long fragments was developed. In 6 patients out of 12 analyzed, pathogenic and probably pathogenic variants of the nucleotide sequence of the ATP7B gene were identified. The obtained results indicate that the developed method of targeted massively parallel sequencing allows efficient detection of mutations in the ATP7B gene.
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