Influence of Upwelling in the Southern Waters of Java on CO2 Concentration in Kototabang, Agam District West

JKPK (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia)(2020)

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Absorption of atmospheric CO 2 by the sea through two processes, namely solubility pumps and biological pumps. This study aims to determine the effect of upwelling in the southern waters of Java on atmospheric CO 2 concentrations in Kototabang. The data used are in situ CO 2 concentration, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration from 2004-2016. The method used was descriptive analysis. The results showed that upwelling that occurred during JJA-SON caused a decrease in sea surface temperature to 26.8 °C and 27.1 °C respectively, as well as an increase chlorophyll-a concentration to 2.03 mg/m 3 and 2.19 mg/m 3 . In both seasons CO 2 concentration in Kototabang dropped to 385.8 ppm and 385.4 ppm. Meanwhile, when there was no upwelling during DJF-MAM, sea surface temperatures rose to 28.8 °C and 29.0 °C, and chlorophyll-a concentration dropped to 0.32 mg/m 3 and 0.54 mg/m 3 . CO 2 concentration in DJF and MAM increased to 386.3 ppm and 386.5 ppm. Based on these results it is known that when upwelling occurs, CO 2 concentration decrease and vice versa.
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