Wound-Healing Activity of Green and Chemical Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) Gels in Equine Wounds: A clinical Study

SVU- International Journal of Veterinary Sciences(2020)

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This study was aimed to evaluate the wound healing activity of both green and chemical Zinc oxide Nanoparticles in equine. Ten animals (nine donkeys and one horse) suffered from traumatized infected or non-infected wounds were used in this study. The visible signs of wound infection were evaluated in six cases, while the other four cases were admitted with fresh recent wounds. Animals were topically treated once a day in and day out and monitored for three weeks. It was observed that, the macroscopic wound contraction percents in animals treated with green Zinc oxide Nanoparticles gel in 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks were 45%, 76%, and 93.6% respectively. While, those which treated with chemical Zinc oxide Nanoparticles gel were 40.4%, 67.2%, and 90.6% respectively. The study revealed that, green Zinc oxide Nanoparticles gel accelerated the wound healing and cleared the wound infection faster when compared to chemical Zinc oxide Nanoparticles gel. It was concluded that, topical green Zinc oxide Nanoparticles gel can significantly accelerate the process of wound healing and clear the wound infections in wounded equine from clinical field cases.
green zno-nps,gel,wound healing,lawsonia inermis extract,clinical efficacy,equine
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