To the Strategy Of Informational Impacts In Cyberspace By Omori’s Law

2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT)(2019)

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This work demonstrates an approach how to apply cyber impacts to make desirable resonance effective in the targeted network segment, wholly covering dedicated auditory. The peculiarities of maximization (on demand) the impacts to make the resonance peak-factor so high up to be prevalent on the specified period of the time, until respective structure could effectively apply some measures are considered. The model is proposed to descript right moments of triggering and introducing new impacts to make whole cyber-impacts on the system much effective, to maximize the altitude of the useful flows and to define a key messages traffic injection features and means, while impacts are in progress by Omori’s Law to the specified network segment (considering also clock zones). This work is intended to create a descriptive basics for informational impacts realization both with cyber struggle guidance creation in the nearest future cyber security strategies realizations.
controlled social impact,informational space,cyberspace,ICT,e-Gov,strategy realization algorithm
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