Ajustes cardiorrespiratórios durante o teste de escada em doença pulmonar obstrutiva cronica

Latin American Journal of Development(2021)

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Introduction: Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease that leads to chronic airflow obstruction with progressive worsening and there are systemic manifestations related. COPDs have reduced functional capacity, making it essential to its evaluation by means of functional fitness tests. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of stair climbing test(TESC) in hemodynamic and respiratory variables in patients with airflow obstruction and associated hemodynamic and respiratory end performance at TESC answers. Methods: Patients over 50 years old diagnosed with COPD and subjects with the same age group with no diagnosis of disease to constitute the control group were selected. All patients underwent assessment of height and weight to calculate body mass index and spirometry. Before and after TESC were monitored heart rate(HR), respiratory rate(RR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure(SBP and DBP) and peripheral oxygen saturation(SPO2). HR data and altitude for each flight of stairs were transmitted to the computer through a(infrared) interface and filtered using the Polar ProTrainer 5 software. Results: The experimental group (EG) showed an increase in HR and SBP and the control group(CG) of HR and RR , and from the second flight of stairs HR obtained significant increase. The variation of the FR was the only one that had a significant correlation with SCt. Conclusion: Patients after Obstructive Tesc show increased emodynamic responses, and these responses were not related to the test result
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