A atenção domiciliar no processo de estabelecimento da saúde bucal na estratégia da saúde da família

José Milton de Aquino e Silva Neto,Maxsuel Fabian Cavalcante Silva,Anderson dos Santos Panaro, Altamiro Júnio Paranhos Cesar de Mendonça, Michelle Leão Bittencourt Brandão Medeiros, Tayguara Cerqueira Cavalcanti

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde(2021)

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Objective: Carry out a narrative review to explore the conceptions and way of performance of Dental Surgeons (CD) in the care performed in the oral cavity in home care (AD) in the family health strategy (ESF). Literature review: The AD has been developing more and more, always seeking the well-being of the patient through humanized care, the CD is part of the integrality of this multiprofessional team that makes up the FHS, of which they seek to promote the establishment of oral health with essential aspects, mainly of patients who do not have locomotion, having as expected follow-up the establishment of preventions and treatment of possible pathologies, aiming in turn to restore the individual in the AD, ensuring the necessary therapeutic care. The CD retains its indispensability, since they have qualified functions in carrying out treatments, in order to offer care regarding oral health, instruction and motivation. Final Considerations: In view of this, the DC's in home visits are responsible for a fundamental role, providing physical and social comfort to patients who are disabled by different ways of going to the care unit.
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