Wpływ miękkich multifokalnych soczewek kontaktowych z wysokimi addycjami na koordynację wzrokowo-ruchową

OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology(2019)

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The aim of the present study was to assess whether soft multifocal contact lens (SMFCLs) with high addition powers, designed for myopia control, may have an impact on eye movements and eye–hand coordination. A total of 24 young adults used SMFCLs (Relax, SwissLens) with high additions: +2D (Add2) and +4D (Add4). Single vision (Add0) contact lenses were used as controls (Orbis, SwissLens). In the eye–hand coordination task, the study participants were asked to point out the small circle displayed on a touch screen. Reaction time and accuracy of pointing, as well as latency of eye movements were measured. Results showed that SMFCLs had no significant impact on the latency of eye movements (135, 136, 139 ms, for Add0, Add2 and Add4, p = 0.171), reaction time (732, 730, 727 ms for Add0, Add2 and Add4, p = 0.932) or percent error (17%, 13%, 18% for Add0, Add2 and Add4, p = 0.386).
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